Pokémon Alpha Version

One day it was a solar eclipse and a thunderstorm.
I went to a walk and found a flea market.
There was an old guy who sold games. There was an blank and withered cardrige and I asked him what it was. He said that it was the original Alpha of Pokémon Red and Green. He was a former Game Freak guy and he was fired for making the haunted Lavender Town music killing million children. I bought it for 19,99$ and went home.
Even thought it was exactly noon, it was as dark as midnight, which was strange. The thunder was so loud that I had headache and I went in the basement. It was dark and the light broke. I played the game and a very minimalistic screen appeared, just saying Pokémon. I started and there was no sound. It was only me and Gary and Oak and Oak called me Leiff. The background was just plain white. I chose charmander and the battle to Gay started. I used always scratch and his squirtle too. My pokémon was defeated and it said "Charmander dyed". My character sprite appeared in the battle and it said "Leiff used gun! Charmander died!" Then there came Gary and it said "Leiff used gun! Gayr died!" Oak said "OMG you basterd you killed my nephew!" He appeared and it was "Leiff used gun! Oak died!"
I went outside and everytime I battled someone I killed them with my gun. There were lots of policemen instead of Team Rocket. Due to the gun having always the first turn and OHKO everything it was extremely easy. When I defeated the champ the game jumpscared me with a weird human face who was hyperrealistic.
I searched in the Internet for Leiff and Pokémon. I found articles over an illegal animal fighter killed someone whos animal killed his. Then he killed his grandfather who was watching and he went rampage on the city. The military bombed the city and he is believed to be killed, althought his corpse was never found. The picture looked like the face from the jumpscare. And it looked also like... Tajiri Satoshi. The creator of Pokémon. Just younger and with a beard. Pokémon was originated to tell the story of the massacre. His
colleagues who didn´t know that made it to a kids game.
Now I know the truth of Pokémon, I called the police on Tajiri and gave them the cartrige. I´m going to make me suicide today. If you find that cartride, destroy it. Maybe you can save humanity.